Scientific Methods

Friday, April 21, 2006


This is the right question as compared to being asked whether we've ever
landed on the moon. Did we land on the moon on 20th June 1969? We landed
space ship there but not human on space. The Russians already had landed
a space ship there and also Americans did it but not the idea that the
human beings landed on the moon. We didn't land at the particular time
suggested .To me what happened and was broadcasted in Huston was just a
well prepared lie for the Americans and the world to justify the 25.4
billion dollars
to a project that becomes a failure. This also served the purpose of
boosting the confidence of Americans which had dwindled in their
administration after the launch of the launch Sputnik1 the first space
shuttle. First lets look at the
reason why Apollo 11 was launched. This was done during the cold war
space race and, at this time the Russians had just launched the first
satellite into space on 4th October 1957. This was a challenge to the
Americans as they seemed to be loosing the space race to the Russians
only to recover by the launch of the Apollo 11. President Kennedy said
"Everything we do ought to really be tied in to getting on to the
moon ahead of the Russians... otherwise we shouldn't be spending that
kind of money, because I'm not interested in space... The only
justification (for the cost) is because we hope to beat the USSR to
demonstrate that instead of being behind by a couple of years, by God,
we passed them." With this in
mind the Americans had to do their level best to include creating a
hoax. The previous missions had no photos so photos had to be added to
give more strength to the case also Americans needed something so as to
boost the public's confidence in the government.

The greatest give away for the Americans were the photos that they
claimed were from space. The flag is shown to be blown by the wind where
was the wind from? Who took the photos like the ones for Neil Armstrong
when making his giant leap to the moon and the take off of the ship from
the moon? The pressure in the space suits should be higher in the space
suits than in the moon so they should be bloated and not like they
appear. Where are the stars in all the pictures?

For a space ship to have landed in moon am 90% certain, for man landing
in the moon am about 10% percent certain. The space ship could have
escaped the Van Allen radiation belt but this would have had a fatal
effect on human beings. To date non of the astronauts have any side
effects or died from the effects of such strong radiation. The ship is
believed to have been exposed for about thirty minutes and these are
strong and fatal rays. For the photos it was a mere public relations
issue and with the discovery of others video fragments it shows they
were manipulated.
And with this honorable ladies and gentlemen I beg to rest my case.

The Space Race
The Sputnik
Reasons for Apollo

Biodiversity and Conservation Biology
University of the Western Cape
Private Bag X17 Bellville

TEL: +27825103190





There was a serious argument between the Advocates of Hoax and National Aeronantics and Space Administration (NASA) about landing on the Moon. The entire drone about the Moon began on 15th of February 2001. When Fox television aired the program entitled Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? The Advocates totally disagree with evidence that were provided by NASA. Advocates identified different things from the evidence of Astronauts that led them to the conclusion that Landing on the Moon was a hoax.

The most prominent advocates of the hoax theory were Bill Kaysing, Ralph Rene, David Percy, Marry Bennett and more recently Bart Sibrel.  Bill Kaysing argued that landing on the moon was faked in the Nevada desert (</apollo.hoax.html).  NASA did not have technical capability on going to the Moon, but due to the Cold War with the Soviet Union forced them to fake it.  He had indicated that the chance of landing on the Moon was calculated to be 0.0017 (1 in).

Ralph Rene believed that the NASA decided not to land to the moon and fake it. The Data  which was shown was accurate, but there was a big difference between a defect and major technical problem.  As results moon landing was failed. In contrary, the studies conducted by Apollo Support Department of the General Electric Company in Florida showed that the chances of landing on the moon and returning safely to the earth were very high.  It was more than 90%.  The assessment was based on the understanding and technology of that time. (

Furthermore, Bill as one of the Advocates argues that NASA has perpetrated in lie that there was no stars which can be observed in a space to validate lack of stars.  In all photograph, there were no stars that were visible, but NASA said that the purpse of the photos was to record the activities on the surface of the moon not to take the stars.

In all the pictures that were taken by the astronauts, the shadows were not black. Object in the shadow were clearly, including a plague on the side of the lander that can read easily.  If the sun was the only source of light on the moon, the Hoax Believers (HBs) said that there was no air to scatter the light, shadow should be utterly. </apollo.hoax.html).

The man who designed the camera of astronauts was contacted to know more information about the pictures.  The pictures were perfect.  They could not take perfect picture every time.  The man did not give the answer. He hemmed and hammed.  The situation was difficult for him to speak the truth during the interview.  This was clear evidence that NASA must have faked the mission (

David Percy said that not one still photograph of John Young matches the video footage, yet NASA claims both were shot at the same time.  He indicated that the triangular shaped piece of the fabric was located on the top of John did not appear and NASA said that was a myth.  The tip of the fabric can be seen when one closely examine the video ( ).

The crosshairs of the astronauts were etched to better help measured objects in the picture.  The HBs argued that the film would melt if exposed to a temperature of 250. NASA indicated that Advocates were not aware about the type of film used .  Apollo Astronauts used the special transparency film designed specifically.  The camera used was protected inside by  a special case to keep them cool (

Kaysing argued that when the astronauts were assembling the American flag, the flag waved. That must had been from an errant breeze on the set. A flag would not wave in a vacuum. The advocates were not aware that the flag can wave in vacuum.  That happened because when they whipped around the vertical pole, the flag waved since it was attached at the top.  The top moved first, and then the cloth followed along in a wave that moved down(</apollo.hoax.html).

I am 97% confidence that no man landed to the money.  I agreed with the evidences which were given by Advocates of HBs, for examples shadow cast on the lunar surface should be parallel.  Apollo photos were not parallel indicated more than one light source, moisture must be present in soil for it to form footprints, yet the Moon is totally dry world, and a large amount of dust was generated during landings, yet no dust can be seen on the Lunar Module footpads.


Fox TV and the Apollo Moon Hoax, 13 February 2001 </apollo.hoax.html
Accessed on 2006- 04-19: 11h10

Did we land on the moon? 15 February 2001
Accessed on 2006- 04-19: 13h30

Debunking of the Moon Hoax Theory, 23 February 2001
Accessed on 2006- 04-19:12h15

Masiya Kedibone
CSIR Pretoria
Cell No : 073 2519071
Tel No: 012 8412123
Fax : 012 842 3676


There was an argument between the Scientists about the astronauts landed on tme moon.  Some of the scientists believed that NASA fakes this, they  never landed on the moon and they did not return with enough evidence from the moon, they return with the rocks.  Other scientists believed that astronauts did land on the moon and they return with the evidence of rocks from the moon.

According to Bill Kaysing, astronauts did not landed on the moon, they fake their video about landed on the moon.  Bill has all the evidence which include the taken pictures during their journey to the moon. Something was missing from their photos.  This proved them that astronauts never land on the moon because the star was missing from their photos. Another evidence that Bill have included engineering details and what the confirmed during their interview (Fox TV, 2001).

The other picture that was taken by an astronauts is that there was a lunar dust blown away by the rocket when the astronauts jumping from one place to another on the moon.  It was said that on the moon there is no force of gravity; air is the only thing that can helped the dust to blow away.  It was said that all the pictures taken from the moon were always perfect meaning that they were clear and they interviewed the person who designed the camera of an astronauts that, why the photos were all clear?  He said that he did not have the answer and he finally agreed that it was a hoax and NASA fake the mission. Some astronauts were asked why the stars are missing at their pictures.  They said that it is impossible for a camera to view every thing, every where, so camera can not take every thing (Fox TV, 2001).

There was another picture which shown the flag of the United States planted by the astronauts on the moon.  The flag of the United States was waving, so there is no way that the flag can wave without air and it was said that there is no air on the moon.  Some astronauts believed that not all the time the flag can be waved by air in the space.  Astronauts also said that flag waved when they planted the flag pole because they rotate it back and forth to better penetrate the lunar soil and it is possible for the flag to wave in a vacuum (The Great Moon Hoax, 2001)

According to the Dr David McKay who was the lunar sample laboratory facility at theNational Aeronantics and Space Administration ( NASAs) Johnson Space Centre (JSC) said that many astronauts walked on the moon between 1969 and 1972 and some of the astronauts died on their way to the moon, only nine are still alive and they return from the moon with the 841 pound of the moon rocks which were different from an Earth rocks.  The different between the rocks from moon and the earth is that, the rocks from the earth do not have water, and the rocks from the moon have trapped water.  Dr Marc Norman said that they found a fresh glass in the moon rocks produced by explosive volcanic and meteorit impact about 3 billion years ago (The Great Moon Hoax, 2001).

Ralph Rene said that no one landed on the moon, NASA fake the whole thing about moon landing.  It provided by having difference evidence between a defect and major technical problem.  Rene said that early Apollo flights tested mission share out buds in hardware and procedure, the moon landing were far from flawless (Did we land on the moon, 2001).

I am 90 % certain that no man landed on the moon, all was a fake. Apollo 1 to 10 are the once who tried to go to the moon but unfortunately they did not came back on Earth, they died during their journey because of the solar radiation.  Apollo 11 to 17 claimed that they landed on the moon but they refused to swear to God that they landed on the moon, they just run away.  The astronauts took 9 hours to go to the moon which was impossible and it said that the journey to the moon took three days.  I am 89 % certain that no spacecraft landed on the moon.  This is because the Apollo pictures were not having the stars. The star can be seen only when there is a sun and it means the sky will be black.  I concluded that no one landed on the moon and one of the astronauts said that if they can not make it, they have to fake it. So they did fake the landed moon.


FOX special at Phil Plaits Bad Astronomy (2001), ,
[Accessed on 2006-04-21:12h00]

The Great Moon Hoax (2001), 2.htm,
[Accessed on 2006-04-21:13h00]

Did we land on the moon? ,
[Access on 2006-04-21:14h00]

Lizzy Maluleke
Cell nomber 072 351 8488
Tell              [012] 841 2133
Fax              [012] 842 3676



Since 1960s until early 1970s the attempts were made by the Russians and the Americans to land on the moon. Because of the radiation belt the Apollo 1 to Apollo 10 never reached the moon, they were all destroyed and the astronauts were killed. It was until 20 july1969 when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are said to be the first to have landed the moon. The NASA claims were supported by the evidence of 841 pounds of moon rock they brought home to the earth. It is believed that not only these two went to the moon but also other astronauts did go there until the period of 1972. Among those who went to the moon 9 are still alive.


On the 15 February 2001 the fox television aired a program called conspiracy theory: did we land on the moon? According to the show NASA fake the film of moon landing. Since the programme aired there are lots of debates going around concerning whether they did or did not land on the moon?


According to my point of understanding, I am 94% believe that the whole thing is a hoax and they never landed the space craft on the moon. It is said that there is a radiation belt that surrounded the moon. The temperature of this radiation belt is about 250- 500 degree Celsius and this is too much for any object to pass through this belt therefore they should be destroyed. Though NASA claimed to have made a well planned space craft to withstand this temperature still it does not make sense because during the 1960s, the technology was not that much well advanced and they did not have the capabilities of reaching the moon.


Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are said to be the first to land on the moon and this is supported by the fact that they were seen walking on the moon, they erected the American flag and they brought back moon rock home to earth. I totally disagree that this men landed the moon because by the time they were erecting the flag, it was seen bending and ripping of which is highly impossible in situation where there is no air. The way they (astronauts) were moving is questionable. It is said that at the moon there is no force of gravity therefore they were not suppose to jump up and down because if there was no force of gravity they should have  just hang over the moon ground.


The astronauts were heard communicating with the controllers on the ground just 9 hours after they leave the earth and they claimed to have reached the moon. But according to what the scientist said it is estimated that the time to reach the moon is 72 hours so 9 hours is not even a halfway to the moon.


The other fact is that those astronauts who said to have landed the moon refused to be interviewed. Those who were interviewed some how they were not co-operating and were rude these prove that they are hiding something. I think they should be proud, stand-up tall and tell us about their experience. So by running away from the people who need to interview them prove that there is something wrong or they are running away from the truth. Those who were interviewed some how they made different statements which raise concern that they really faked to have gone to the moon.


The NASA failed to show the photos that confirm that the astronauts really did go to the moon. This is because their photos failed to show the stars. The black sky should be full of stars and non are visible in their photographs. Therefore these proved that they photos were not originally taken from the moon surface.   


I therefore conclude that we are living in the world of competition where every country wants to be on top in terms of technology, wealth and everything. That is why some people will have to fake things if they cannot make the original or the real things. I believe this is also another hoax.




1. [Accessed 19 may 2006, 12:00]

2.;amp;amp;q=Apollo+debrief&pl=trueax.htm [Accessed 20 may 2006, 10:00]


Mr Lufuno Mukwevho
CSIR Pretoria
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Pretoria, 0001
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Hi everyone on the 20 April 2006 I attended a small presentation about scientific writing at CSIR in Pretoria NRE (Natural Resources and Environment) building. Writing a scientific paper was presented by Peter Ashton. He talked about the different papers for example book reviews, discussion document, newsletters. When writing a scientific paper you should include all authors but with their permission and try writing as a team in that way you will be sharing the load and information. He talked about how to structure your paper before writing and the most important thing is that you should follow instructions. For more info send me an e-mail.

Lethabo Mosomane
Tel: 27 12 841 2133
Fax: 27 12 842 3676

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The main reason for going to the moon was to compete with the Russians and Americans. The whole thing was faked in the Navenda desert. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon in 1969 and they were failing to get it. Some of them died but others have survive to come back. They used Apollo to go to moon. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) faked the fact that Neil Armstrong was the first man to land on the moon. During 2001 the Fox television aired a programme titled Conspiracy Theory, did we land on the moon? NASA was not up to real moon landing. No they did not land on the moon. On the moon there is no atmosphere and no force of gravity, how did they walk? This is an interesting thing about conspiracy theory.
 In the rock of the moon there are Isotopes, which we did not normally find on the earth. These Isotopes were created by nuclear reactions with the highest energy cosmic rays. Pictures of Apollo astronauts shows the flag on the moon is bending and rippling. This would not happen because there is no breeze on the moon. So the flag waves. The black skies are not full of stars in all Apollo photographs. They fail to recognize the difference between seeing stars and photographing stars. Astronauts never mention the beautiful star-filled sky.

To go to the moon astronauts would travel through van Allen Radiation Belts, which results in Radiation. Those people would have died, because it took Apollo one hour to pass through the radiation belt. This means that, radiation from the solar what? Would have killed the Apollo astronauts en route to the moon and when it came back. These Apollo astronauts would have been killed by thousand of micrometeoroids. How could those people have survived on the moon because there is heat on the moon. Of course the astronauts survived because some of the heat energy received from the sun then is radiated back into space as infrared rays.

In most of the photographs, the shadow side of rocks appear black where as astronauts appear illuminated. Those astronauts failed to reflect sunlight. On the video we watched two men walking on the moon during Apollo mission and there was a photo in which Astronauts reflected the visor had no camera, to take the shot.

We can not take any pictures on the moon because the film would melt. Any normal film will melt if exposed to 250C temperatures. Apollo astronauts used film designed by a NASA contract. Photographers know that it is difficult to captures something very bright and very dim on the same film. In the NASA pictures, there is lack of stars in the pictures taken by Apollo Astronauts from the moon. With no air the sky is black. On the earth without sunlight air is dark, at night it allowing us to see stars. On the moon lack of air means sky is dark and the sun is high during full day. If you were standing on moon you would see stars even during the day. This makes it remotely possible that NASA faked it.

All pictures taken by astronauts indicate that, the shadow is not black. Photos from the moon are shown where the objects on Lunar Landscape have long shadows. The sun is the only light source, which means the shadows should be parallel. Images taken by Astronauts shows us the objects are in front of the crosshairs, this is impossible if the crosshairs were inside the camera. Shadows cast on the Lunar surface should be parallel some shadows in the Apollo photos are not parallel and it indicates more light sources. This is100% a total hoax.
1. Here is a web page on the FOX special at Phil Plait's Bad Astronomy site. [ Accessed 18 April 2006, 13:00]

 2.. Did we land on the moon? [Accessed 18 April 2006, 11:00]

Linette Netshiheni
CSIR Pretoria
Cell: 0820446442
Tell: 012 841 2133
Fax: 012 842 3676


The world of science is full of surprises. Each an every time, when scientist/s invent or make a discovery about something, negative criticism tend to be more than the positive criticism, but later on reality tend to come into existence. Both negative and positive criticisms mostly come from the media, both print and electronic. The fact that Fox television has broadcasted a programme called Conspiracy theory fuelled the mistrust of people to the astronauts.

I am 99% certain that the first man to land on the moon was Neil Armstrong from United States of America (USA). The credibility of the film makers is also questionable, how can they compare photos which are taken from the two different earths, the one which is having the atmosphere and the magnetosphere which is the earth that we live on and the one without both the atmosphere and magnetosphere, the moon. It is obvious that the conditions which prevail between the two earths are totally different. Therefore, photos taken from the different earths would also be different.

It is also obvious that among the people who were viewing the film were the scientists. As we know that among the scientists themselves, in order for something to become reality and accepted by the scientific community and convince the public, argument must first prevail. Surprisingly, from the Fox film makers we do not hear from them about who was the first person to land on the moon. This means that only what is shown in the film was a Hoax.

Even though I am 99% certain that the first man to land on the moon was Neil Armstrong, but I am also 1% uncertain. This is because why the astronauts from NASA asked questions refused to answer. One can also suspects that may be they were hiding something about the allegations will leave the people unsure whether the film aired by the Fox was true or false.

As the main purpose of the film is to make money, may be this also influenced the film makers to put the story in their film in such a way as to make public to buy their film. For example, in the article the headline read as follows, The Great Moon Hoax. The above mentioned headline in the article can be interpreted in different ways, because we cannot interpret things the same way, as we see things differently.

If it is the fact that Neil Armstrong is the first man to land on the moon is a hoax, this also means that many of the books, journals and information in the internet need to be wiped off to prevent further confusion. One can also ask himself/herself a question such as if landing on the moon is a hoax, why it took so long for the hoax to be exposed. The chances are slim that lending on the moon was a hoax as compared with the information available which supports the fact that Neil Armstrong was the first person to land on the moon.

Source 2.htm

Peter Muvhali
Tell no 012 8142133
Fax 012 8423676

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Neil Armstrong and his team were the first people to land on the moon and they also put a United States of America flag on the moon but Bill Kaysing said that the chance of landing a spacecraft on the moon was 0.0017 which means 1 in 600 so Neil Armstrong and his team could not have gone to the moon (2). Neil Armstrong and his team brought back an 11.7 Kg Moon rock from the moon and it was prove to show the world that they actually went to the moon. The rocks from the moon are different from the rocks on earth. Moon rocks have isotopes which were created by nuclear reactions with the highest-energy cosmic rays and earth rocks are protected by the atmosphere and magnetosphere from the radiation (3). Moon rocks also have almost no water trapped in their crystal structure and earth rock has water trapped inside but Dr Marc Norman said that they have found fresh particles of fresh glass in the Moon rocks and the glasses were produced by a volcanic explosion activity(3).

Neil Armstrong and his team managed to take some photographs and video of the moon. They used Lunar Module antenna to send the pictures of the Apollo 11 landing to earth (2). Apollo 11 was limited to using black and white, slow-scan TV camera with a scan rate of 10frames per second at 320 lines per frame. The pictures were converted to the commercial TV standard Electronic Industry Association (EIA) first before they were displayed on a 10-inch black and white monitor and a vidicon camera. The pictures were scanned at the EIA standard. Kodak said that it is impossible to take photographs on the moon because temperature on the moon is 250ºF and the film will melt (2). The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) said that they have designed special transparency film for environments like the moon by wrapping it with a material which has a reflective surface (usually a white material). Bill Kaysing said that the pictured lacked stars and the stars should be visible because the pictures were taken from the moon (2) and the sky was black. NASA said that the stars were not visible on the photographs because they are too faint to be seen and also the moon surface is brightly lit by the sun; they are also wearing white suites so the stars cannot be seen on the pictures(1).

I do not think that NASA landed a spacecraft and no man also landed on the moon because the earth orbital is surrounded by the dangerous Van Allen Radiation Belts which are too dangerous since it is consists of small molecules which can penetrate the spacecraft and the space suite. On the video 2 (4) one of the Astronauts jumped and there was dust but surprisingly the dust managed to come down to the moon surface. What I know is that the is no gravity on the moon so how come did the lunar manage to go down, is it that the dust should remain being suspended on space just like the things(e.g. food that they were passing to each other) that they were using remained suspended until someone takes it . None of the people who went to the moon wanted to be interviewed by the CNN news on video 3(5); if they were not hiding anything they could have told people how it was to be on the moon because they used their money and they should also thank them for their support. They should have done what Mark Shuttleworth did, he went to space and when he came back he reported how it was like to go to space to show that he has nothing to hide. So what is it that Neil Armstrong and his team running from, why did they not want to be interviewed? If they went to the moon why did they fake their pictures because all their pictures have the same background, some have more than one light source how that can be possible. Since at the moon gravity is absent and also airless how come the flag on video 2(4) was flapping?


1. [Accessed 19 April 2006, 15:47]

2. [Accessed 19 may 2006, 12:23]

3. [Accesssed 19 April 2006, 09:58]

4.;amp;amp;q=Apollo+debrief&pl=true [Assecced 19 April 2006, 14:00]

5. [Accessed 20 April 2006, 14:00]

Lethabo Mosomane
Tel: +27 12 841 2133
Fax: +27 12 842 3676

Made in a Hollywood basement - Did they or didn't they land on the moon?

Well, in my humble opinion I would venture to suggest that the moon landing that we saw in the footage, photo's and other paraphernalia was in fact all staged, and that the real moon landing, whenever that was I'm not sure, was a much less spectacular, and much less eventful happening. The moon footage and photo's were all done in time to afford America victory in the 'space race', and the suspicions around that I feel can never truly be rebutted, in light of the fact that to the day the united states remains a world superpower, who has a direct influence on almost every major event (or at least how it to be perceived by the rest of the world) in the world. The movie 'Wag the dog' is a perfect illustration of the power that the US media has over the way a war, or the rest of the world views any other current world event, and also just how much one can tamper with footage/photo's to achieve the desired result.

Some of the most plausible motives for the US government staging this hoax are distraction and cold war prestige. Distraction - the lunar missions definitely took peoples attention from the Vietnam war, and the frantic lunar activity strangely came to a halt, with planned missions being aborted, around the same time that the US stop their involvement in the Vietnam War. Cold War Prestige - It was imperative for the U.S. government win the space race with the USSR. Going to the Moon, if at all possible, was quite risky and pretty expensive. It would have been much easier (and cheaper) to fake the landing, ensuring sure-fire success.

There are many people who believe, and many who don't, and I will now work through my opinion on their comments, which I got off

Bob Builder - "How is anyone supposed to believe that a space-craft with the total computer power of a pocket calculator made it to the moon and back?"

I do believe that there must have been some serious risk involved in the first mission. The available technology at the time was such that there was a good chance that the landing might fail if genuinely attempted, and therefore I think they would have at least have taken 'precautionary' measures like maybe prerecording the mission, and taking photo's, to ensure the 'success' of the mission.

Harry Faulkner - "I still believe it was real. And just think what a coup it would have been for the Soviet Union to be able to show that it was all faked. If they had even so much as a whisper that it was faked - and their intelligence was very good - they'd have screamed 'fake' at the top of their voices. They never did."

The Soviets, with their own competing moon program and an intense economic and political and military rivalry with the USA, would be expected to have cried foul if the USA tried to fake a Moon landing, if it wasn't for the fact that, according to the Theorist Ralph Rene, shortly after the alleged Moon landings, the USA silently started shipping hundreds of thousands of tons of grain as humanitarian aid to the allegedly starving USSR. This may act as evidence of a cover-up, the grain being the price of silence.

Geoff Pollard - "The conspiracy theorists always ignore one important factor... the moon rocks that were brought back. These were distributed world wide to the scientific community and universities for evaluation. Surely if they had been faked then someone would have blown the whistle by now."

In response to that, I only have two words: Piltdown Man. Piltdown was a major archaeological hoax, which was successfully perpetrated for over 40 years. Many other hoaxes have been successfully staged over the years, and I have no reason to believe that in this one there isn't some hint of untruth.


Miss Annamarie Martin
Department of Biodiversity and Conservation biology
University of the Western Cape
Private BagX17
e-mail -
Blog -

Made in a Hollywood basement - Did they or didn't they land on the moon..?

Well, in my humble opinion I would venture to suggest that the moon
landing that we saw in the footage, photo's and other paraphernalia was
in fact all staged, and that the real moon landing, whenever that was
I'm not sure, was a much less spectacular, and much less eventful
happening. The moon footage and photo's were all done in time to afford
America victory in the 'space race', and the suspicions around that I
feel can never truly be rebutted, in light of the fact that to the day
the united states remains a world superpower, who has a direct influence
on almost every major event (or at least how it to be perceived by the
rest of the world) in the world. The movie 'Wag the dog' is a perfect
illustration of the power that the US media has over the way a war, or
the rest of the world views any other current world event, and also just
how much one can tamper with footage/photo's to achieve the desired

Some of the most plausible motives for the US government staging this
hoax are distraction and cold war prestige. Distraction - the lunar
missions definitely took peoples attention from the Vietnam war, and the
frantic lunar activity strangely came to a halt, with planned missions
being aborted, around the same time that the US stop their involvement
in the Vietnam War. Cold War Prestige - It was imperative for the U.S.
government win the space race with the USSR. Going to the Moon, if at
all possible, was quite risky and pretty expensive. It would have been
much easier (and cheaper) to fake the landing, ensuring sure-fire

There are many people who believe, and many who don't, and I will now
work through my opinion on their comments, which I got off

Bob Builder - "How is anyone supposed to believe that a space-craft
with the total computer power of a pocket calculator made it to the moon
and back?"

I do believe that there must have been some serious risk involved in
the first mission. The available technology at the time was such that
there was a good chance that the landing might fail if genuinely
attempted, and therefore I think they would have at least have taken
'precautionary' measures like maybe prerecording the mission, and taking
photo's, to ensure the 'success' of the mission.

Harry Faulkner - "I still believe it was real. And just think what a
coup it would have been for the Soviet Union to be able to show that it
was all faked. If they had even so much as a whisper that it was faked -
and their intelligence was very good - they'd have screamed 'fake' at
the top of their voices. They never did."

The Soviets, with their own competing moon program and an intense
economic and political and military rivalry with the USA, would be
expected to have cried foul if the USA tried to fake a Moon landing, if
it wasn't for the fact that, according to the Theorist Ralph Rene,
shortly after the alleged Moon landings, the USA silently started
shipping hundreds of thousands of tons of grain as humanitarian aid to
the allegedly starving USSR. This may act as evidence of a cover-up, the
grain being the price of silence.

Geoff Pollard - "The conspiracy theorists always ignore one important
factor... the moon rocks that were brought back. These were distributed
world wide to the scientific community and universities for evaluation.
Surely if they had been faked then someone would have blown the whistle
by now."

In response to that, I only have two words: Piltdown Man. Piltdown was
a major archaeological hoax, which was successfully perpetrated for over
40 years. Many other hoaxes have been successfully staged over the
years, and I have no reason to believe that in this one there isn't some
hint of untruth.


Miss Annamarie Martin
Department of Biodiversity and Conservation biology
University of the Western Cape
Private BagX17
e-mail -
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As I was busy preparing for my assignment, I realised that there was an argument about “Man Landing on the Moon” if ever man landed on the Moon or it was just a hoax.  


According to (NASA, 2001) Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the Moon in 1969 and they put the USA flag on the surface of the Moon. And they were not the only astronauts to go to the Moon, a dozen went to the Moon in 1969 and 1972 and only nine of them are still alive and they can prove that. They came back to earth with 841 pounds of the Moon rock and the pictures they captured on the Moon.


The rocks they brought home to earth were unique, it really showed that the rock came from another world, which was the Moon because of the difference between the rocks which are found on  the world, they were the isotopes in the rocks of the Moon and we do not normally find those isotopes on the Earth (NASA, 2001).


People believed that NASA faked the Apollo Moon landings in the 1960s and 1970s and Bill Kaysing seems to have all sorts of evidence, including the pictures taken by the astronauts themselves, some testimony by the astronauts themselves and the engineering details. The conclusion was that the whole thing was faked by the NASA in the Nevada desert; they believed that NASA did not go to the Moon because they lacked the technical capability. They did all this fraud because of the pressure due to the Cold War with the Soviet Union (Fox TV, 2001).


I am 97% certain that no spacecraft landed on the Moon. The astronauts would have to travel through the radiation belts and the powerful radiation from the solar flares would have killed the Apollo astronauts in route to the Moon and back and they would have been pierced by thousands of micrometeoroids. Who wants to die?


I am 89% certain that nobody went to the Moon. As I watched the video I realised that those astronauts’ claims to have gone to the Moon, none of them really gave the proof about their tour to the Moon and some of them were cross with the interviewer, they did not want to be interviewed about that. I am 99% certain that they faked the whole thing at the Nevada desert, because if really they went to the Moon how could they come back with pictures, because at the Moon it is hot with a temperature of 250 degrees Celsius, so the film would have melted. And their pictures were without the stars.  (Conspiracy Theory, 2001).


The USA flag that they believed was on the Moon surface was shown to be bending and rippling this also proves that the flag was not on the Moon because there is no breeze on the Moon, (Great Moon Hoax, 2001). And (Plait's Bad Astronomy, 2001) supports the fact that there is lack of air on the Moon. As I was watching the video I saw the dust blown away by the rocket, which was not supposed to be blown. And again I saw the footprints, and I believe that in order to see the footprints moisture must be available in soil and the Moon is known to be a totally dry world (Conspiracy Theory, 2001).


In conclusion, no man ever landed on the Moon, they tried to reach there but they failed because they could not travel through the Van Allen Radiation Belts. It was very dangerous to go to the Moon during the time of the astronauts Neil Armstrong and his colleagues and I believe even to day it is still dangerous. That is the reason why people are no longer trying to go to the Moon. And again if it is not dangerous, why people are not spending their holidays there or even to celebrate their wedding ceremonies. Finally, I believe that NASA would be making money by taking people to the Moon like other business companies who are making money; for example, I can spend an hour travelling from Johannesburg to Durban using a flight instead of spending 18 hours using a car. That was a hoax, no one walked at the Moon surface.




Science at NASA (2001) The Great Moon Hoax, (, accessed on: 2006/04/19: 08h00)


Did we land on the Moon? (2001), (, accessed on 2006/04/19: 10h00)


Plait's Bad Astronomy (2001), (, accessed on 2006/04/19: 14h00)


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